Forced Migration Review 62 on 'Return' and 'Root causes' now online

Forced Migration Review issue 62 with a major feature on ‘Return: voluntary, safe, dignified and durable?’, and a mini-feature on ‘Towards understanding and addressing the root causes of displacement’, is now online:

Voluntary return in safety and with dignity has long been a core tenet of the international refugee regime. In the 23 articles on ‘Return’ in this issue of FMR, authors explore various obstacles to achieving sustainable return, discuss the need to guard against premature or forced return, and debate the assumptions and perceptions that influence policy and practice. This issue also includes seven articles on ‘Towards understanding and addressing the root causes of displacement’, prepared as resource material for the forthcoming Global Refugee Forum.

You can access the full issue and individual articles at At this link you will also find our:

· Editors’ briefing: providing headline analysis of the feature theme and mini-feature with links to the relevant articles (4-sided A4 booklet); available in English and Arabic online and in print.

· Digest: providing a listing of all articles – title, authors, affiliations, introductory sentences and web link (8-sided A5 booklet); available in English, Arabic and Spanish online and in print.

· Separate 24-page Root causes mini-feature: the seven articles have also been collated into a separate booklet. This will be available in English, Arabic, Spanish and French online.


Email us at [email protected] to request print copies for your organisation or for onward distribution or training. Please remember to send us your full postal address and how many copies of which product you require in which languages.

We would like to thank the following for their financial support for this issue: Act Church of Sweden, Refugees International, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and UNHCR.

FMR 62 has been sponsored by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Forced Migration Review and does not necessarily reflect the position of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung