The week of rage
Nationwide protests resume with road blocks of burning tires on major roads across the country. Demonstrators clash with security forces in front of the Central Bank in Beirut as well as Hassan Diab's house in Beirut. The next day a group of demonstrators gathers in front of the Helou police station in Beirut demanding the release of more than 50 people that were arrested the night before. The protest turns violent and at least 15 more people get arrested. Media and the Red Cross report up to 45 people injured, amongst them several journalists. This incident marks the beginning of escalation in a series of violent clashes in what is being called the “week of range.” Amidst the worsening economic crisis, nationwide electricity shortages, monthly withdrawing limits of US $200, and with still no formation of a new government in sight, protestors begin smashing bank windows and ATMs. Anti-government protesters trying to get to Martyrs' Square in downtown Beirut are met with violence by security forces, who yet again make use of water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas in an attempt to break up the gatherings, marking the most violent confrontations since the beginning of the protests in October. Protesters hit back with rocks, Molotov cocktails and firecrackers as well as shining lasers. Over the weekend, more than 500 people, including around 100 security forces, are hospitalized.